DEC 20, 2023
Data Migration
//Data Migration

Quickbooks Online

QuickBooks Online has been a go-to cloud-based accounting solution for businesses seeking accessibility and real-time collaboration. However, as companies grow and their needs become more intricate, the limitations of a purely accounting-focused platform become apparent. Odoo, an open-source ERP platform, offers a more holistic approach by integrating various business functions, from accounting and inventory management to CRM and human resources. We’ll be able to help you migrate the entire Quickbooks Online onto Odoo so you can run your business smoothly without having to worry about migration issues. We will migrate all your products, employees, customers, vendors, and all transactions from Quickbooks online to Odoo. We will provide our certification for the migration. This includes Row counts for static items, Balance amount for transactions, State Items verifications for Workflow items confirmations