Java springboot

SpringBoot starter template HTML5/bootstrap

Set Up Instructions:

There are 2 layouts inside the resources/templates/layouts folder. One has a featured bar that blends with the header. While secondary layout shows a simple header bar along with menus.

Main Layout

Secondary Layout:

To download the starter template, please scroll to the end of this page and click the download page.

One you download the zip file, you can run maven build. and then start the application. then your new starter template should start on port 8080.

Tech Stack:

  • Java 17
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Thymeleaf
  • Spring WebFlux
  • Maven
  • Docker
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap 5
  • JQuery

Demo: Click here to view live demo

Download: Click here to download


Viram Layman

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